Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse
Florida's Missing Child Alert
The Florida Missing Child Alert was established in 2003 to provide law enforcement with a tool to quickly disseminate information when a child is missing and believed to be in life-threatening danger, but there is no indication that the child has been abducted.

The Missing Child Alert is a media-focused emergency broadcast designed to engage the public in the search for the missing child.

A Missing Child Alert may evolve into an AMBER Alert if the law enforcement investigation later reveals an indication that the child has been abducted. In these instances, the Missing Child Alert can serve as a mechanism to begin releasing information to the public while law enforcement continues to investigate the cause of the disappearance.

Click here to view the criteria and activation process for the Missing Child Alert. To find out more about the differences between the AMBER Alert and Missing Child Alert, visit the AMBER Alert portion of this website.

To receive email alerts when an AMBER or Missing Child Alert is activated sign up at www.missingchildrenalert.com.

For more information, please contact:
FDLE, Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse
1-888-FL MISSING (1-888-356-4774)

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